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Man-made heritage

Oakamoor Bridge

Look carefully at the stones used to build this Oakamoor bridge and you can still see the masons' marks. Each mason had his own mark that enabled him to be paid the piecework fee due.

Oakamoor Lime Kilns

Limestone was used to create lime in the North Staffordshire area (in other areas chalk was used). Lime was important in the manufacture of mortar and iron, as well as agriculture when it improves soil acidity and improves crop yields. Maps of 1844 show the kilns and connecting railways - it is possible to make out the railway spur that connected the Oakamoor kilns to the rail network.

Lime was created by burning limestone in limekilns to create quicklime, the dried to form a powder before being slaked with water.

Oakamoor Memorial Free Church

Built in 1879 by owner of Bolton's copperworks, Alfred Sohier Bolton, who is buried in the church yard.

Bolton, Oakamoor
Oakamoor Park

Once the site of Thomas Bolton & Son copperworks, this green space is now an attractive riverside play area and picnic site with public access.

A mill has existed at Oakamoor since medieval times and there is a record it being owned by the Foley family in 1683. In 1761 George Kendal was the ironmaster and in 1790 Thomas Patten begins serious production. It was in 1851 that Thomas Bolton bought the site for £7750.

Oakamoor railway bridge

The old railway bridge at Oakamoor. Note the colours of the bridge and nearby Station House that in the North Staffordshire Railway Company livery style.

If visiting, please also note that this bridge has a weight limit!

Churnet Way, Oakamoor
Oakamoor sluice gates

The sluice gates were used to control the flow of water over the weir.

The weir and sluice gates were built in the 18th century to power strip mills owned by Thomas Patten. 

Restored as part of a HLF project in 2008/9.

Oakamoor Weir

The weir and sluice gates were built in the 18th century to power strip mills owned by Thomas Patten.

Old Lock Up, Alton

Former lock up. Now used to house the nativity scene at Christmas.

Our ref: AL1


Parish boundary stone, Consall

Post medieval boundary stone, Leek Road, Consall located on border of the (modern) parishes of Kingsley, Consall and Cheadle. The stone is inscribed 'Cheddleton P' on one face and 'Kingsley P' on the other.


Parkhouse Wood Lift Bridge

We used this picture, shared with us by Mike Molloy, on our Facebook Friday photo challenge and Mark's comment sums it up nicely: "Caldon Canal between Willow Cottage and the junction with the River Churnet -  it's a beautiful bit of our canal."
