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Oakamoor Lime Kilns

Limestone was used to create lime in the North Staffordshire area (in other areas chalk was used). Lime was important in the manufacture of mortar and iron, as well as agriculture when it improves soil acidity and improves crop yields. Maps of 1844 show the kilns and connecting railways - it is possible to make out the railway spur that connected the Oakamoor kilns to the rail network.

Lime was created by burning limestone in limekilns to create quicklime, the dried to form a powder before being slaked with water.

Limekins can be found in the Churnet Valley at Oakamoor, Froghall and Consall.

The kilns at Oakamoor were continuous draw kilns. The kiln was a brick lined pot with a stone face, built into a bank. Being on a bank made it easier to load the kilns fron the top with the heavy alternate layers of coal and limestone. It also made collection of the quicklime at the base of the kilns simpler operation. The steep sides of the Churnet Valley were ideal for limekilns of this type.

The last lime was produced in Oakamoor in 1921.

This location can be seen on the following trails: 


This page was last updated on 4 March 2016. Contribute here if you have information or photos to add to this page.