Local Churnet Valley businesses are now able to add their details and links to their websites for free.
Local business owners - If you would like to feature your products or services on this local directory, please visit the Contribute section of the site and create your page. It is good advertising and the community are keen to support local businesses so we are happy to do our bit and promote you. Please contact us if you need any support getting your feature created.
Readers - if you found this directory useful, or you find out of date or missing information please help us put it right by getting in touch.
Sue's Home Cooking |
Traditional, great tasting, home cooked food, made to order and delivered ready to reheat or freeze to homes in the local area. All my meals are made using fresh ingredients, locally sourced where possible. I need 24 hours notice for orders (everything is shopped for and cooked to order) and have a minimum order of £25. |
The Lorna Knight Sewing Academy |
Our light and airy studio/shop, in a converted 19th century barn, provides the perfect environment to sew. Our one day workshops and regular classes are perfect for beginners of all ages and for more experienced sewers who wish to develop their skills and learn specific techniques. |
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The Old Stables Hairdressing, Alton |
The Old Stables Hairdressing in Alton is a father and son business specialising in contemporary cutting and colouring techniques. Between Phillip and Steve, the salon offers over 40 years of hairdressing experience. An extensive retail section offers products from the Wella range as well as American Crew and Moroccan Oil. |
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Waymark |
Waymark has been the interpretation partner for the Churnet Valley Living Landscape. We wrote the original interpretation strategy that was submitted as part of the winning bid. We then delivered the majority of the interpretation items... including this site! |
Wheatcroftwillow |
Rachel Evans is a basketmaker and willow artist, based at Froghall Wharf in the Old Ranger Station, sharing a workshop with her husband, Martin Evans of Churnet Woodland Crafts. |