Seems to have been forgotten! The Valley put itself forward to Natural England for consideration regarding designation as an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty several years ago. we submitted a great deal of high quality evidence regarding the physical status of the valley, much of this already existed in the form of things such as the SMDC Landscape CHaracter Assessment and the CVLLP development research projects, but we did a good job tying it all togather and John Higgins delivered it by hand to Natural England. Unfortunaley they ran out of money and 'closed the window' promising to reopen it in 2018. When it reopens the big question will be "Is there the desire from within the community for the Churnet Valley to be designated as an AONB?"
My opinion is that, at the moment, no.
Here is a link to a piece the BBC did last year, it includes a few of the top proponents for our valley.
I have just seen a facebook