The North Staffordshire Railway Co. (1978) Ltd. (NSRC) is the Charitable Trust (registered charity no. 514172) which provides support to the Churnet Valley Railway (1992) PLC. It is also the registered museum guardian of an extensive collection of original North Staffordshire Railway memorabilia and other items associated to railways in the local area.
The charity's defined objectives are -: "To advance the education of the public in the history and development of railway locomotion, and in particular by the preservation and restoration of a section of the standard gauge railway system formerly operated by the North Staffordshire Railway Company and, for the benefit of the public, to preserve, retain and restore Cheddleton Railway Station as a museum and headquarters for the company." (For further details see ‘Clause 3’ of the NSRC Memorandum of Association).
By becoming a member of the NSRC you can benefit from reduced fares on the Churent Valley Railway, take part in a selection of the special events held on the railway, and receive the tri-annual journal "The Knotty". This official journal of the Churnet Valley Railway, which is free to members of the NSRC, contains news from the railway and historical features, both about the present day Churnet Valley Railway and the original North Staffordshire Railway Company (the "Owd Knotty").
NSRC also provides volunteer support to the Churnet Valley Railway; it is CVR company policy that all volunteers working on the railway should be NSRC members whenever possible.
To support the latest NSRC Projects, please visit their Total Giving page >here< or Online Donation page >here<.
The NSRC main objectives are -:
- EDUCATION - to teach the history and development of railways in North Staffordshire
- FUNDRAISING - to raise finance for projects that enhance the heritage along the Churnet Valley
- MUSEUM - preserve Cheddleton station for purpose of displaying company railwayana
- VOLUNTEERING - to promote the social benefits of playing an active role in the Churnet Valley Railway
This includes acting as a conduit for grant aid applications, and organisor of social events for members and the community.
View>Online Membership Form< to join the NSRC now.
The North Staffordshire Railway Co is able to reclaim 28p for every pound that you donate or pay in membership fees if you complete and return the Gift Aid form. You must pay UK Income Tax equalling or exceeding this amount in any one Tax Year. Please make your money go even further by completing the form.
Annual Subscriptions
Full Adult (18-59 years) £19
Senior (Over 60 years) £16
Joint Senior £22
Family/Joint (up to 2A + 2C) £27
Life Subscriptions
Full £550
Senior £360
Family/Joint £700
Senior £360
Family/Joint £700
For further details, please visit the website, Facebook, or email -: info@nsrailway.co.uk or write to -:
The Membership Secretary,
North Staffordshire Railway Co. (1978) Ltd.,
Cheddleton Station,
Station Road,
ST13 7EE
Peter Green