The 2013 Himalayan Balsam “Big Pull” has been hailed a resounding success, as throughout the summer community groups and individual volunteers of all ages have helped to tackle the invasive species at various spots in the Churnet Valley area. Himalayan Balsam (botanical name impatiens glandulifera) was introduced into Britain in the mid 19th century by Victorian gardeners and this aggressive plant is now overtaking large areas of the valley, crowding out our native species and exposing our stream and river banks to erosion.
As this year’s “Big Pull” draws to a close the Churnet Valley Living Landscape Partnership (CVLLP) has logged more than 220 volunteers who have donated over 800 hours bashing, pulling and slashing the Himalayan Balsam. Local scouts, anglers, canal and railway volunteers all pitched in to help, working on areas of the Churnet and Caldon Canal from Longsdon down to Alton.
The plans for next years’ Big Pull are already underway with ideas to revisit the sites covered this year and to add some new ones.
Helen Anderson CVLLP Participation Officer said: “The battle is still on and next year we hope to get even more volunteers involved to help make a difference.”
If you wish to find out more or get involved next year contact Helen Anderson on 01538381356 or email: